Equitable Pricing Model

My approach to nutrition, movement, wellness and health is centered in creating a practice that integrates individual healing with community healing - one is not possible without the other.

Like traditional coaching models, many of the existing health coaching models rely on methods that create financial barriers for many in our community and arbitrarily separate mental and physical health. Alternately, many well meaning coaches and practitioners with a commitment to a politics of liberation, place themselves at a static below market rate - and create barriers to their own ability to support themselves and their families, ultimately impacting their well being and their ability to fully show up for their clients.

Building on the work of progressive leaders in other fields of health and wellness, I am working to build an evolving practice that seeks to center equity and collective care. My use of an equitable pricing model is one way that I am experimenting with a more equitable system.

As you consider selecting a rate, I am inviting you to bring both a sense of collective care and self-compassion as you consider your personal access to resources (such as income, wealth, employment benefits etc.) and the assessment of your own access and barriers related to the identities you hold. It is my hope and conviction that if each of us pays as we are able, then we can collectively care for ourselves and each other. I know talking about money can be very uncomfortable--and our relationship to money can often mirror our feelings of fear or shame in our relationships with ourselves and others. I believe that having transparent financial conversations is yet another way to mitigate some of this harm that capitalism can create in each of us - harm that shows up in our mental, physical and spiritual well-being.

If you are interested in more information on the Equitable Pricing Model and coaching, contact us with your contact info and we will be in touch!


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